Changing OUR World

One AGENT at a Time

#BEMEGA Mentors is a business in a box Mentorship Platform that helps ANY Team Leader build their best #LifeByDesign all through the power of helping other people succeed... Amplify your BOTTOM LINE by recruiting & nurturing Producing Agents & Self Replicating Generals in YOUR Opportunity.

Ontario, Canada

Dustin’s passion for helping commissioned agents reach their full potential as quickly as possible is contagious. Using the #BEMEGA system and with Dustin’s mentorship...

I grew so big so fast, it was hard to keep up!
In a matter of 8 months, my team grew from just me to over 60 agents, my income tripled (as well as those of my mentees) and I attained my Executive Director promotion with my company.

#BEMEGA has inspired me to help others within the #BEMEGA community and I am looking forward to helping others attain the same and greater levels of success!

Ian Barnett, Executive Director

The Mentor to FREEDOM SHOW

We LOVE showcasing servant leaders and sharing their stories.

People that have successfully built businesses based on helping other agents succeed.

Real People... that have come from every walk of life, who inspire people to step into their greatness as entrepreneurs.

Check out the recent episodes 🔥🔥🔥👉🏼

Tony Garza
Texas, USA

To #BEMEGA or not to #BEMEGA is the question.

I’ve been mentoring agents for years, but I never had as much clarity in mentorship as I do now. #BEMEGA has been instrumental in my success in developing mentees into successful and business minded individuals. I get the right coaching, knowledge and systems needed to build a great organization.

As far as income generation, #BEMEGA has given me the path to increase my business 10-fold. In two months, I have successfully attracted eight new agents and five that will be starting into my mentorship program. My annual goal was 20 agents, now I have to change my numbers!!

Tony Garza - eXp Realtyline

Launching 100k in Commissions Step by Step


Step 1. The Assembly Line That Outputs NEW Agents

How would you like to have your very own machine that creates a limitless number of new agents for your team?  I'm talking about owning your own, easy to run, consistent, reliable, repeatable, compoundable, scalable new agents producing machine that you can use to grow your business? Set up your own personal ACADEMY to attract new agents into your business like an assembly line.

Click here to learn more.


Step 2: Launch Your Agents Into Their First Paycheck

The faster they get paid, the easier it is for your mentees to see your business as a real opportunity for full time growth and sustainable incomes. With the STEP-BY-STEP LAUNCH PLAN that takes ANY new or relaunching agent from zero to payday fast... your agents are on their way to become profitable partners working with you to build their business.

Click here to learn more.


Step 3: Produce 100k earning Agents... on auto pilot.

Help your Agents lock in a six figure active income with a proven 20 day marketing & branding market plan that helps your agents gain visibility & authority in a target market. Watch them start generating HOT HOT HOT inbound leads that are easy to convert and turn into repeat and referral business.

Click here to learn more.


Step 4: Fast-Track to 100k in PASSIVE INCOME

Learn how to easily unlock the next 100k in passive income from your current team THEN show your future Generals how to become six figure Leaders in YOUR organization. Click here to Watch the Webclass where we break down how we fast track Team Leaders to Executive Level CASHFLOW and get paid to live your very best life.

Click here to learn more.

Jessica Culp
Fayetteville, USA

A Lifelong Friend Indeed...
I am not the same person that I was 2 1/2 years ago, ALL THANKS TO YOU!

Your wisdom, insights, and guidance has pushed me completely out of my comfort zone which has allowed me to grow tremendously as an agent and now a Mentor in our expanding network of entrepreneurs!

#BEMEGA My Friend!

Dustin Pritchard
Executive Mentor

I want to help you Fast-Track to MASTER MENTOR

I am specifically looking for Generals that I can personally mentor in our system. I want to show you how to unlock multiple revenue streams and even get PAID TO #BEMEGA. It's my personal mission to help you get to a 100k Passive Income Cashflow as fast as possible!

THEN I will show you how to produce your own Generals and help others do the same. You don’t need many 100k business builders in your organization for you to create a #LiveByDesign

I LOVE finding energetic entrepreneurial agents and help them a leverage the power of a productive and profitable mentorship system in their business. This is how I #GetPaidToTravel and its my mission to help as many agents as I can achieve their version of FREEDOM & LIFESTYLE too.

#BEMEGA My Friend!

Since I joined #BEMEGA, I have achieved some major wins in my business that I'm so proud of!

One of the things I love most about the #BEMEGA Mentors System is the support and ideas I receive from other mentors. Collaboration is so valuable in business, and the program has provided me with a group of like-minded individuals who are all working towards their goals. I can't express how much their support has meant to me.

Overall, I cannot recommend the #BEMEGA mentorship program enough. It has been a game-changer for me!

Barb Dunn ~ Experior Financial

Barb Dunn
Sooke, B.C.

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